Be part of the bigger picture.
Join us as we work to make our local community a better place. As a respected leader in our community, Sandhill Cove sponsors and supports many organizations seeking to better the quality of life in Martin County.
Donate your time and talent, share your gift and find joy in giving back.
We’re proud to be a community partner of the following organizations:
American Cancer Society
The Society’s 3- to 5-mile Breast Cancer Walk is an annual event where residents come together to raise awareness and funds, celebrate survivors and remember loved ones.
Helping People Succeed
Sandhill Cove is the proud sponsor of the annual Art Sale and Show. A portion of the proceeds are donated to Helping People Succeed to aid them in their mission of providing supportive services to children and families that improve their quality of life through education, training and development.
Tykes & Teens
Sandhill Cove is proud to partner with Tykes & Teens to highlight the need for counseling and mental health services for local youth. As an annual participant in the Festival of Trees event, Sandhill Cove looks forward to showcasing their holiday spirit to support the children of the community.
United Way of Martin County
Sandhill Cove is a long-standing supporter of United Way, with residents receiving an award for their generous contributions.We’re proud to be named one of the Top 10 Most Generous Communities by the United Way! Read the full story here.